Friday, July 11, 2014

Do you have the executive presence and gravitas to grow your business or catapult your career?

This article by Moira Forbes caught my attention so succinctly that I had to share. 

Whether you are looking for a corner office or to grow your own business, it all applies. Executive presence and gravitas are key.  I think gravitas is my new favorite word. 

Here's my favorite excerpt for a sneak peek -

What's the biggest misstep women make that undermines their executive presence?

Constantly referring to lists, reading notes, using eighty-seven PowerPoint slides, and shuffling papers truly undermines one's gravitas and women are oftentimes guilty of these behaviors. I mention a story in the book about a woman who was passed over for a C-suite promotion. When I asked her boss why she didn't make the cut, he said it was because every time she made presentations, instead of looking you in the eye and talking compellingly about her team's performance, she'd have her head in lists, notes or some dreary presentation. She presented herself, time after time, as someone who didn't know how to command the room or trust herself to remember the thrust of her presentation. 

You have to read the article to find out more about gravitas. The entire article can be found here on

Happy reading.